25 huhtikuuta 2017

Floral Bliss #18

This week some miscellaneous photos that I took at the florists' and outdoors.
I could also ask what Floral Bliss? Hail showers, snow showers and cold & wind. 
I wish the spring starts with all its vigor the 1st of May! It certainly would be the time.

Hails on Friday...

Snow on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...

Some sun in between...

Happy becoming May Day!

Olisi tosi kiva nähdä sinunkin kuviasi täällä - Tule mukaan!
Please, come and join - share your Floral Bliss with me and the others!
Simply Anything Living or related to Botanics!

Aurinkoa toivon viikkoosi!- Sun to your week!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

22 kommenttia:

  1. Good Afternoon, my dearest Riitta !

    Thanks most sincerely for hosting your so lovely link-up party filled with daintiness and inspirations !

    Wishing you the best of weeks,
    I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come,
    with heartfelt gratitude

    XOXO Dany - sweetlydreamingofthepast.blogspot.com

    1. Your daffodils are dancing in the sunshine a la Wodsworth, mine under Finnish snow :) ein't that ridiculous!
      Hugs anyway <3

  2. Dear Riitta!
    Your flowers and pictures are wonderful.
    I love your blog and I always admire your mastery of taking pictures.

    1. We have a tough climate :) Hugs & greetings Lucia <3

  3. Liebe Riitta,
    wunderschön sind deine Blumen-Aufnahmen wieder! Narzissen unter Schnee *brrr*...
    Schne gibt es hier nicht mehr, aber kalt ist es auch. Ich sehne auch den Frühling herbei.
    LG Christiane

    1. Thank you Christiane. A bit depressing this spring compared to last year. No growth in sight. This teaches patience!

  4. Stunning florals as always dear Riitta - gorgeous xx

  5. Dear Riitta, What a good idea to photograph the flowers in a florist's shop when there's not too much available outdoors. Our spring has been slow, but things are beginning to open and grow. I hope May will be filled with sunshine for you.

  6. Hi Riitta,
    lovely flowers... but Hale, oh, I hope, your flowers and plants did not getr damaged too much! Looking forward for sun and warmer temperatures! Yes, we have to get patience ...
    Happy day to you, Love and hugs,Claudia xo

  7. Good Morning Riitta,
    Snow? Not yet, in Germany we have strong Frost and the blossoms from my Hydrangea are frozen :(
    But my cherry tree is really great all over white!
    Greetings from Germany, have a nice "Vappu"

  8. Wonderful... and blooming in the snow...
    We have a similiar weather here, not real spring, but a big promise - - -
    Happy sunny may holiday :)

  9. Beautiful post. Love your flowers especially those with snow on them. Some of the flowers are new to me. Thank you for hosting and have a beautiful day.

  10. Good Morning Riitta, your daffies do look a little chilly! Your indoor and outdoor blooms are beautiful. Hopefully it wont be long before you are bathed in warm sunshine.
    Have a wonderful week and thanking for hosting :)x

  11. Your flowers topped with snow look fresh and charming. In India, though it is spring season,yet getting hotter everyday.

  12. Son todas muy lindas. Muchos besos.

  13. Nydelige blomster som kjemper mot snøen.
    Våren er rett rundt hjørnet her hos meg.
    Fin dag fra Anne-Mari

  14. Ihania kukkakuvia jälleen kerran!!
    Tallennatko muistitikulle vai minne saat mahtavan määrän kuvia mahtumaan?
    Minullakin on jossain kukkakuvia, mutta nyt on toisenlainen kausi, katsotaan sitten joskus...

    1. Kiitos UUna! Mun kuvat on Googlen iCloudissa, sinne mahtuu.

  15. Olá, as fotos são todas belas que não consigo escolher a que mais gosto, toas são excelentes com cores fantásticas.

  16. Hi Riitta,
    marvelous photos of the blue flowers, but so much snow in April in the north.
    I wish you a sunny weekend.
    Warm regards, Synnöve

  17. Liebe Riitta,

    Floral Bliss ist das die Nachfolge von Flowerwednesday? Ich wollte meine Blüten gerne bei Dir einreihen (verlinken), aber leider ist das nicht möglich!!! Bei Flowerwednes stand zu lesen von Mittwochs 9.00 Uhr bis Dienstag der darauf folgenden Woche 23.55...Gilt das auch für Floral Bliss? Und was muss ich tun, damit die Verlinkung gelingt?
    Bin gespannt...denn ich würde gerne mitmachen!
    Alles Liebe

    1. Dear Heidi,
      Floral Bliss has replaced my Flower Wednesday. I have shortened a bit the opening time, for later in the week there has not been any persons leaving links.
      Tomorrow on Tuesday at 4pm Helsinki time opens the new link - and I'll keep it open up til the following Monday till 23.55. You are most welcome Heidi! Sorry for the trouble I caused you.


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